I really didn't like this pattern when I first say it, but that was a case of the fabrics and colours just not doin' it for me. When I looked at it closer I say how awesome this pattern is, and Thelma showed with hers how amazing it can look supersized. So moral is? Look more than once, and closer, when at first you don't like something, a gem may be under the sand.
Now I didn't have my pattern yet, it'll probably get here next week, just because you know, so I did a mock up in EQ and it ended up the same 33x33 so I think I got it right. I'm really interested to see if I figured things right when it gets here.
Now since my charm packs hadn't arrived I had to hit the stash for this one, so I though I'd make it a bit of a challenge. I set one of my smaller tubs of FQs on the table and let Little Bit pick some out. All but the borders are ones she picked. I then attempted to make it work, not enough fabrics for a real scrappy, but too many for clean lines, but it was fun and Little Bit got to help some so she was happy.
I chose the borders from the stash, so free quilt! Close enough anyways.
I'll get this quilted up as soon as the restrictions are lifted, apparently quilting falls into too much strain category...or so DH thinks, and he's bigger then me lol.
Here are my two pups, looking all sweet and innocent like but I don't believe it, they're just waiting for the top to get close enough that they can claim it.