I was asked about 2 months ago to make up what would be a new free pattern from Fat Quarter Shop made from charm packs, of course I said yes as I am a precut addict.
I was intrigued by the size of the quilt, charm pack patterns rarely make my 40+" minimum for usable quilts, and the Charm Pack Cherry is about 52-54" (I forget now, I did measure I swear! It is perfect for using 58 or 60" backing fabrics. Just saying)
You can find all the goods, including a tutorial video with Kimberly all ovver FQS's social media, as well as what I'm thinking is going to be a fairly large parade of quilts (or bloggers who made the quilt) to give you lots and lots of ideas.

I only used a FQ for binding, cut to 1.5" and using the Clover bias maker in 3/4" size (the red one), so over all a very scrappable or all new fabrics pattern, both would work awesome!
For another layout/look check out Sara's over at Sew Sweetness! She's a sweety for sure and her version is like I had imagined mine to begin with but I didn't want to get in trouble so was careful to follow the pattern placements.
And to encourage some new ones All Charm Packs will be 20% off at Fat Quarter Shop from Monday morning until Sunday at midnight CST.
The pattern is easy, pretty quick, and depending on the colours you choose will look really different, or in one or two colour families even. When I looked at the instructions I actually thought of stained glass windows, the abstract/mostly vertical strips kind, but I don't see it as much with the red.
A great way to use up charm packs, especially ones from the same designer but different lines, would make this quilt even more interesting, and you could of course choose more than one solid as well.
And because Chelsey is always on top of things over at FQS I have all sorts of images/graphics to show! YAY!
So looks like fun doesn't it?
Tell me, are you a stash shopper or always up for some pretty and new? Got tips on either?