This is going together fairly well. I realized I made several of the sampler blocks to big. I must have been using the wrong line when sewing. I fixed some as best as I could but there are some lost points. Which is ok, because DH actually likes the imperfections. He says they give the quilt character, or make it unique. I'm never sure if I fully believe him but oh well.
I do find I run my fingers over the imperfections more, comforting in a way. It becomes so familar. Kind of like the quirks of those we love I guess.

The pattern calls for making star flowers, but seeing as this is for a guy, I made them into just stars. I've got a whole symbolic thing going that if it works will be very cool, or I hope so anyways. But it is a surprise. ;)
Now I'm pretty clumsy, forgetful, and generally disorganized. I try not to be, I really do, but it just is not my natural state. I really wish it was, but it's not, and I try to be aware of that and get silly trying to remember everything. So when I picked up the rotary mat to throw out some cuttings, from re-doing some of the blocks, I checked and remembered to take off the cutter...but not the template...
Nicely cleaned up but still wet.

In the background you can see down to the parking lot of my apartment, but what you don't see is that beyond that all I can see if trees, a very nice view for an apartment in the city if I do say so myself.