Thursday, April 17, 2008


I got four of my blocks done. I think I'm going to just keep it smaller. I got hubby to hold the flimsy up for me so I could take a picture.

I don't have a lot of the peach and DH is on me about not buying more fabric, and since it's an older collection I'd have to go to ebay. So I think I'm going to add a border, bringing the secondary star into the border. I'm still doing the math, hoping I have enough peach. Right now the top is about 40". Adding about 6" to each side....should get to be about 52", which I guess is ok for a lap.

I've been so busy studying for exams. I have palliative care tomorrow. I'm so tired of books. I just want to QUILT. I'm really tired of not getting to do anything. :(

DD is bugging me to make her babies another quilt. She's 4 and the other days grabbed some of my fabrics, handed them to me and said "find blanket for baby!" She already has 2 for her dolls, but apparently the Care Bears need their own.
She really is my anchor when things get crazy. She really reminds me of what is important.

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