I finished the apron for my sister.
These are very different fabric for me but they are what my older sister wanted so here they are. I used the Domestic Goddess pattern by Amy Butler, which was fantastic.
The only problem is how
looooong this apron is. This is the mid-length cut.
I'm 5'8'' and it was this long on me, excuse the mess I was sewing instead of doing laundry.
Out of curiosity I had DH try it on. He's 6'6'', and I think this is how tall you need to be for this pattern.
He's also a clown, and the pup thought it hilarious.
I think I'll have to hem it some more because my sister is only 5'4'' and much more slender then me ;)
I also, sort of, completed this week's
Cha Cha Challenge, which was to use prairie points and charms. So I made my prairie points out of charms left over from my
Winter White.
I cut the charms in quarters and had 54 prairie points for my "tree". I'm going to add buttons once I quilt and bind this one. Though I can't decide whether to add a border or not. Right now it's 14" square-ish.
Here is a picture of me with my cousin's son Liam and his quilt, Liam's Picnic.
Poor baby has been very sick with
strep pneumonia but is now on the mend and going to a hospital closer to home.
Now all I have to do is make a twin quilt for Little Bit, and make up this month's Schinnible, Tagalong.