Thursday, October 1, 2009


I haven't done much in the way of sewing but tonight I got some prep work done for a Tisket a Tasket
and sewed some tumblers of one of Moda Bake Shop. I only had one charm pack so....I'm going to have to buy another, or a layer cake in Maypole to expand this because I do like it, although I think I'd like it better if the tumblers were about half the size, they seem big to me. I really am a glutton when I want to make something more complicated or time consuming.
Now why would I start a project with only 1/4 of the supplies and that in an older line? Because I thought to just make Little Bit another doll quilt but I love these colours so much I think I want to make it a throw, which as with all the others, would double as a "baby" quilt for her dolls, when not in use else where.
This is one of the aspects of being broke that really stinks. Not being able to just spend 30-50 on something, even if it's only once a month. And being more broke than usual really stinks. DH went for my meds, and instead of getting my normal 10 day supply they gave him the next month's, big difference even with insurance because I still pay 20%, and have to wait for reimbursement. Poohy. Self Pity over though because I know I'm blessed to have any drug coverage, and it's not like I pay to see the doctor, nor did my surgery cost anything, even with the 6 day stay at the hospital.

1 comment:

Quilter Going Bananas said...

I'm glad you're prepping your Tisket Tasket blocks, wanna do mine too? LOL
I like the tumblers, what size are the blocks? A doll quilt would be good and then maybe make another one that's bigger?
Glad to hear your recovery is going well :^) Keep up the good work!